Modern approach

Embracing innovation, we adopt modern methodologies for optimized solutions.

Best industry experts

Our team comprises industry-leading professionals, ensuring cutting-edge solutions.

Years of experience

We leverage our years of industry expertise, mastering intricate drilling challenges effectively.
About us

Who we are

Oilchem Group is a diversified business organisation with hard-earned reputation for excellent business practices, service quality, service delivery and high performance products. Our excellent business operations create value and superior financial results for our clients and stakeholders.

Incorporated in September 2006 as Oilchem Drilling Fluids Ltd, Oilchem strives for world-class performance and cost effective operations.  Today, Oilchem Group operates in South Asia, Middle East and Nigeria. We provide drilling and completion fluids engineering services to the national, independent and international Oil and Gas Companies.


Revolutionizing industries with cutting-edge and sustainable solutions.


Promoting lasting growth through eco-friendly energy solutions.


Optimizing processes through effective and innovative energy solutions.


Tailored solutions for industry, powering your success.

Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to cater to industry needs, offering tailored solutions that optimize processes, drive innovation, and fuel sustainable success in a dynamic market landscape.

Oilchem Group

Empowering energy sectors worldwide with sustainable industry solutions.

Oilchem Group stands at the forefront, empowering global energy sectors with cutting-edge, sustainable solutions, reshaping industries, and driving innovation for a more sustainable and efficient future.


Leading industry frontiers with pioneering, innovative solutions.


Building robust industry foundations with enduring solutions.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)