Oilchem Group is committed to providing Products and Services to the Oil and Gas Service Sector. We offer services in the area of Drilling Fluids, Fluids Survey Services, Well Completion and Training services (Fluids Auditing / Surveying, Drilling Fluids Laboratory QAQC testing, Drilling and Completion Fluids Engineering) with emphasis laid on our internal, external and climate change related issues and all relevant interested parties. Our aim is to exceed customer standards and consistently comply with all legal applicable requirements.
Top Management of Oilchem Group is committed to consistently maintaining and continually improve the Quality management system through:
- Ensuring that the Quality management system as established in the Quality manual and other documented information are structured upon the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Standard.
- That the Quality policy is the framework upon which the Quality Objectives and all other objectives at relevant levels are established.
- Ensuring that all necessary resources for the sustenance of the QMS are provided and that all process owners effectively monitor task performance in line with the established policies and objectives.
- That the Quality policy is adequately communicated to all staff through QMS awareness, inductions, meetings and also made available to all interested parties whenever required.
- That the Quality policy and the entire management system is reviewed annually for continuous suitability and effectiveness.
Engr. Frank Ibezim
Oilchem Group Limited
Date 22nd October, 2024